Monday, June 06, 2011

2010 ARRL June VHF QSO Party (yes, 2010)

When I came home today, I found a large envelope from the ARRL waiting for me in the mail, and opened it up to find this:

It turns out that I won the 6m category for the 2010 ARRL June VHF contest and I didn't even know it! It may be a little difficult to read, but the fine print towards the center left says "Winner 50 MHz". That was definitely a nice surprise.

The 2011 ARRL June VHF QSO Party (link goes to the rules for the contest) is coming up this weekend, the 11th - 13th of June. I have some family coming in from out of town and some other commitments so I probably won't be spending as much time on the air as I did last year, but I will try to get on the air and operate as much as I can.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Dave!

    Like many other folks, I wondered why it takes so long for the final results to be released and the certificates to be sent out. The more time I help out with various contest activities, I get a better picture of why it does take so long. Maybe I'll write up a post about it from what I've seen.
